Motivation Monday

My kids began VBS this week.

This Momma is so thankful.

I love my kids to pieces but sometimes, peace and quiet for just a few hours is all you need to recharge your batteries.

And all the moms said “Amen”.

Today provided me with enough motivation for the week. To be really intentional about my time and any habits (good and bad) that need go be developed or eliminated.


My husband and I kicked off our couples challenge. We will all be doing Focus T25 (which is a brand new program) and I am so pumped for the change. I really needed it.


And while the kids were at VBS, I got to lay out by the pool.

By myself.


It was glorious friends. Glorious.

To top off today’s post, I thought I would share with you a new smoothie recipe for today.

Mexican Chocolate Honey Shakeology

1 scoop Chocolate/Chocolate Vegan Shakeology
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 Tsp raw honey
1 cup almond milk
Ice to taste.

Blend. Enjoy!

What do you love to do when you have a break from your little ones?

Thinking About Working Out?

Don’t think.

Just do it.


Don’t complicate it.  Choose now to move your body. I promise, you will feel so much better.  Health is not in a magic pill.  It is made up of making better choices day in and day out.

A little Monday Motivation for all of you.

Need a Push? Please let me know.  It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


She Makes Her Arms Strong

Proverbs 31 17

Photo by


Last night Dan shared with Illuminate 9 Characteristics of a Proverbs 31 Women.  Our college/young adult age men and women all have desires to be married and to have incredible marriage, so it is a complete blessing to be able to go through a family series now while they are single and waiting for God to provide them with a helper suitable.

I think you can never learn too early on how to be a Godly wife or husband. Am I right?

My husband is so sweet to me as he often tells me I exemplify the Proverbs 31 woman.  I take his compliment to heart because it means that I am honoring  him and loving him.  I know I still have much to learn (and will forever! Ha!) but it means so much that he thinks of me in this way and that he is proud to call me his wife.

He included Proverbs 31:17 last night in his message and I am so glad he did!

“She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.”

And he said “Ladies, you need to be physically strong.  I am not talking body builder, but you will need to be strong and have the energy necessary to give birth, to care for your husband, your household, to live, to do ministry.”

This is so true.

Ladies, we may be physically weaker then men in appearance, but we are by no means weak.  Don’t let people make you believe that God considers women unworthy and weak human beings and beneath men. That is a lie from the pit of hell. Hello. Who did God choose to be the bearer of children?


God did not make us weak.

Many of us wear many hats.  We are stay at home moms. We work outside the home. We have one child. We have many children. We homeschool. We prepare lunches for our kids who go to public/private school. We own our own businesses.  We all take care of our home. We love and care for our husbands. We actively serve in our churches and/or communities.

It is important to take care of yourself. Make your arms strong. Make your body strong!  The bible says clearly the Proverbs 31 woman does!

She is not soley focused on a pair of skinny jeans or a new bikini. NO! She wants a strong and healthy body. She has people she loves who need her. So she spends an hour a day caring for herself. It is not selfish. It is not arrogant. It is not obsession with beauty.

It is a desire to be all that God wants us to be.

So dress yourself with strength ladies!

Happy Motivation Monday and Happy birthday to MLK Jr!
